Issue - meetings
24/1372/ADV – Advertisement Consent: Erection of a digital advertisement display board at ESSO SERVICE STATION, UXBRIDGE ROAD, RICKMANSWORTH, HERTS, WD3 7BG
Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 78)
This application seeks advertisement consent for the erection of a digital display board.
Recommendation: That advertisement consent is granted subject to conditions.
Additional documents:
The application was for advertisement consent for erection of a digital advertisement display board at Esso Service Station, Uxbridge Road, Rickmansworth.
The application was before the Committee as a District Councillor lived within the consultation area.
The Planning Officer provided an update that one further letter of objection had been received since the agenda was published. This had raised concerns about light levels disturbing sleep and affecting drivers. These issues were addressed within the officer’s report; the Highways Authority had not raised any objections; and conditions were proposed to control elements such as light levels.
The Planning Officer also clarified that the banner on the flank wall of the building which could be seen in the site photos attached to the report was no longer there and was unrelated to the application.
A Committee Member drew attention to the amount of advertising already present at the forecourt and the likely detrimental impact of an illuminated sign to the character of the area which was a gateway into Rickmansworth. Officers responded that in the context of the existing petrol filling station where there was existing signage present the proposal was not considered to be harmful. The agent had specified that there would be no moving images or animation displayed, and a condition was included in accordance with the model condition from the Institute of Lighting Professionals to control luminence.
It was suggested that an additional informative be added, to request the removal of the proliferation of banners.
The Chair moved, and Councillor Davies seconded, that advertisement consent be granted subject to conditions and the addition of an informative to request the removal of the proliferation of banners. On being put to the vote the motion was declared carried, the voting being 4 For, 4 Against and 2 Abstentions with the Chair exercising the casting vote.
RESOLVED: That advertisement consent be granted subject to conditions and the addition of an informative to request the removal of the proliferation of banners.