Issue - meetings

24/1101/FUL Construction of single storey front extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to frontage to provide additional parking, at ALDERS, 64 GROVE FARM PARK, NORTHWOOD, HA6 2BQ

Meeting: 12/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 62)

62 24/1101/FUL Construction of single storey front extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and alterations to frontage to provide additional parking, at ALDERS, 64 GROVE FARM PARK, NORTHWOOD, HA6 2BQ pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Recommendation: That PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to conditions

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer advised that amended plans had been received to remove the front rooflights and conditions 2 and 4 require amending to reflect the updated drawing numbers. One letter of support had been received.


A Batchworth Community Councillor spoke against the item.


Mr. Patel spoke in support of the item.


Members raised concerns about the extent of hard standing in front of the property and the loss of a tree. They inquired about the officers' comfort level with the proposed hard standing area and suggested the possibility of including a landscaping condition to enhance soft landscaping. The officer responded by explaining that the officer report deemed the increase in hard standing acceptable, with a 40-60% split favouring soft landscaping. They noted that neighbouring properties exhibited a range of hard standing levels and that a landscaping condition was not initially recommended. However, they acknowledged the Members' concerns and suggested that feedback on landscaping preferences could guide the homeowner in submitting details for the project.


Members further addressed the removal of a tree and the confusion surrounding its disappearance, suggesting that the area should maintain an open green frontage rather than dense shrubbery and that planting should be provided to mitigate the previous tree removal. The officer explained the historical presence of shrubs and emphasised the need for soft landscaping, urging Members to provide guidance on where such landscaping should be placed. Members expressed agreement with the need for soft landscaping while cautioning against overly tall hedges that could alter the character of the estate. Members also voiced their worries about tandem parking, questioning how vehicles would manoeuvre but agreed that the parking arrangements meet the requirements.


Councillor Abbas Merali moved, seconded by Councillor Chris Lloyd, that planning permission be granted, with amendments to C2 and C4 to reflect updated drawings and additional soft landscaping condition.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair, the voting being 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention.




That planning permission be granted, with amendments to C2 and C4 to reflect updated drawings and additional soft landscaping planting condition.