Issue - meetings

23/1797/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and buildings and erection of two storey detached building to create 17 no. flats, including lower ground floor level, first and second floor balconies and accommodation in the roofspace with dormers, roo

Meeting: 15/08/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 47)

47 23/1797/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and buildings and erection of two storey detached building to create 17 no. flats, including lower ground floor level, first and second floor balconies and accommodation in the roofspace with dormers, rooflights, solar panels with associated parking and landscaping works at Cedar House, Sandy Lane, Northwood, HA6 3EZ pdf icon PDF 767 KB

Recommendation: That PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement securing an affordable housing review mechanism and private refuse collection

Additional documents:


Scott Volker, Principal Planning Officer provided the following summary to the Committee:


-             Members considered this application at committee in May.

-             Members resolved to refuse the application on grounds relating to overdevelopment demonstrated by insufficient parking and the lack of useable and quality of amenity space; and the absence of a S106 to secure affordable housing review mechanism and private refuse collection.

-             Prior to Officers issuing the decision the agent contacted the council and supplied Officers with revised plans and additional information seeking to overcome the concerns expressed at the Committee meeting. These included drawings proposing a material change to the scheme to provide an additional parking space and supplementary supporting information relating to amenity space provision and useability (375sqm useable; 104sqm private balconies Total 479sqm plus 586sqm of visual amenity space - Total 1,065sqm (Requirement 427sqm)

-             This additional information is considered material to the determination of the application and therefore the application is now being returned to Committee for further consideration.

-             Officers could have refused to accept the revisions and additional information; however, this potentially would have been presented as part of any future appeal and considered in any costs application.

-             The site is a brownfield site in a secondary centre served by local bus routes and given the recent publication of Written Ministerial Statement setting out the aims new Government’s regarding proposed changes to the NPPF and introduction of new mandatory housing targets this application is a good opportunity to provide new housing.


A Batchworth Community Councillor spoke against the application.


A Ward Councillor also spoke against the application.


The agent, Mr. Bateman spoke in support of the application.


In response to a request for clarification on the additional parking space, the case officer advised that the additional parking space was provided as a result of the loss of the turning space in that area. It was originally designated to be a turning space, however, the agent had created a parking space and then updated the transport statement, which showed that suitable tracking and movement of the vehicles in that area were sufficient for users to maneuver without a turning space.


Councillor Chris Whately-Smith moved, seconded by Councillor Stephen King that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement securing an affordable housing review mechanism and private refuse collection.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair, the voting being 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention.




That PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement securing an affordable housing review mechanism and private refuse collection.