Issue - meetings

River Chess Bed Transfer at Scotsbridge

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6.)

6. River Chess Bed Transfer at Scotsbridge pdf icon PDF 273 KB

For the past 10 years there have been several flooding related issues at Scotsbridge. This is in part due to the alignment of the channel of the River Chess as it approaches Scotsbridge playing fields.


As a result, in partnership with the Environment Agency (EA), Hertfordshire County Council, who are the Lead Flood Authority, is leading on a project to enhance the River Chess channel. The project aims to reduce the impact of flooding in the Scotsbridge area. Three Rivers District Council are acting as a stakeholder in the project as one of the main landowners affected by the recurring flooding incidents.


For the project to succeed Three Rivers District Council is being asked to consider the acquisition of land from the Royal Masonic Trust to facilitate the construction of a new bypass channel.




That Policy and Resources:


Supports progression of the project and agrees to accept the land transfer as outlined within Appendix B. Members are also asked to note the implications of doing so as outlined at point 2.11. Further, detailed heads of terms will be developed as the project progresses.

Agrees for a letter to be written to support the project and that the transfer of land ownership takes place only once the project is due to commence on the ground and not before and that the commuted sum is calculated once detailed designs have been agreed in order to calculate the required additional, ongoing, maintenance.


Additional documents: