Issue - meetings

24/0535/FUL – Variation of Condition 3 (Windows) pursuant to planning permission 94/234/8 to include alterations first floor fenestration contained within the north and south elevations of the dwelling at THE OLD GATE, BUCKS HILL, KINGS LANGLEY, HERT

Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 6.)

6. 24/0535/FUL – Variation of Condition 3 (Windows) pursuant to planning permission 94/234/8 to include alterations first floor fenestration contained within the north and south elevations of the dwelling at THE OLD GATE, BUCKS HILL, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTFORDSHIRE, WD4 9BR pdf icon PDF 250 KB

This application seeks full planning permission for the variation of Condition 3 (Windows) pursuant to planning permission 94/234/8 to include alterations first floor fenestration contained within the north and south elevations of the dwelling.


Condition 3 of planning permission 94/234/8 stated the following:


The new windows in the North and South upper side elevations shall be installed as fixed light, non-opening windows with the upper fanlights only hinged. These windows shall be wholly glazed in obscure glass and these requirements shall be incorporated as part of the works when constructed. Thereafter these upper side windows shall be permanently retained and maintained as such, for so long as they are required to remain.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities and privacy of the occupiers of adjoining residential properties and the occupier of the property the subject of this permission.


Recommendation: That condition 3 (Windows) be VARIED and that PLANNING PERMISSION IS GRANTED.

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