Issue - meetings

24/0267/FUL - Construction of single storey detached 'Dry Zone' building at Bury Lake, The Aquadrome, Frogmoor Lane, Rickmansworth.

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 24)

24 24/0267/FUL - Construction of single storey detached 'Dry Zone' building at Bury Lake, The Aquadrome, Frogmoor Lane, Rickmansworth. pdf icon PDF 495 KB

Recommendation: That subject to no new material considerations being raised and the recommendation of approval/no objection from the Environment Agency (EA) that the application be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions as set out below and any additional conditions as requested by the EA.

Additional documents:


Scott Volker, Principal Planning Officer provided the following update.


                 The landscape officer provided comments, and raised no objections, subject to a condition regarding submission of a tree protection scheme, and the environmental health officer also commented, raising no objection, and recommended approval subject to conditions, regarding unexpected contamination and a method statement for dealing with asbestos contamination.


                 The Committee raised concerns regarding the adequacy of Condition 9 (C9) in reflecting all the recommendations and concerns raised by the environmental health officer.


                 The case officer explained that C9 was an officer recommendation prior to the comments being received from an environmental health officer and the comments were received after the report had been published for the last Planning Committee meeting. Subsequent to that, the environmental health officer provided their comments, therefore, that method statement condition would be added to cover all the comments provided by the environmental health officer.


                 Members also pointed out that there should be another condition for a void maintenance plan to reduce flooding.


                 The case officer confirmed that that condition was made by the Environment Agency and if it had been missed of the report, officers will make sure it will be included.


                 The officers also confirmed that both conditions will be circulated to Members.


                 In response to a question raised regarding health and safety measures in the Aquadrome, the officer advised that due to asbestos being present in the Aquadrome, there is a strict requirement for all work being done within the Aquadrome to be safe for everyone who is going to be undertaking works there. Therefore, it is considered necessary from the recommendation of the environmental health officer to attach that condition to ensure that safe practices are in place.


                 They would also need to get consent from the Council, as the Council is responsible for maintaining the Aquadrome, and ensuring that any permit to work and safe measures are in place for those working in and around the site.


                 Councillor Chris Lloyd moved, seconded by Councillor Debbie Morris, that Planning permission be granted with the additional conditions requiring submission of Void Maintenance Statement and Method Statement.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair, the voting being 8 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstention.




                 That Planning permission be granted subject to conditions with additional conditions requiring submission of Void Maintenance Statement and Method Statement.


                 Condition 10:


The development hereby permitted must not be commenced until such a time as a detailed scheme to ensure the clearing and maintenance of the under-slab void has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, in line with that outlined in the submitted 'Outline Void Clearing Method Statement'.


The scheme shall be fully implemented and subsequently maintained, in accordance with the scheme's timing/phasing arrangements.


Reason: To ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the void is in place for the lifetime of the development to mitigate for the risk of blockages of voids and reduce the risk of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24