Issue - meetings
24/0120/FUL - Variation of Condition 1 (plans) pursuant to planning permission 23/1809FUL to include alterations to the design of Plot 3 to increase footprint of dwelling at ground and first floor level, as well as alterations to front driveway, prov
Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 21)
Additional documents:
Scott Volker, Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that there was no update to the application.
Mrs. Pavis spoke in support of the application.
A Parish Councillor spoke against the application.
The Committee requested an outline of the similarities between Plot 1 and 3 to be given by the case officer.
Scott Volker, Principal Planning Officer explained that there are three properties that were originally granted approval in the 2016 outline, and then subsequently, there was an approval of details for all three properties in 2019.
Plots 1 and 2 have individually come forward with a revised scheme to those individual plots, and Plot 3 have done the same.
Each of the other two plots have extended in depth slightly, and Plot 3 is basically following that trend, but overall, it’s just reflecting what has happened in Plots 1 and 2, albeit the overall design is slightly different; they are all varied.
In response to a question raised regarding the accuracy of the plan, the officer confirmed that it is accurate, and although there are significant land level changes across the site, as seen from the photographs, he has worked with the agent and the applicant to get suitable section drawings and details of the changing land levels on the site plan, which shows the differing land level heights across the site from front to rear.
The case officer provided clarification to the Committee on the orientation and descriptions of the different plots, along with details about each plot’s location and surroundings.
Members of the Committee pointed out the challenges of assessing the impact of the development solely based on photos, suggesting that a site visit may be necessary, due to the complexities in topography.
The Committee discussed minor changes in roof heights, specifically a slight increase in the ridge height on the right side of the building and the raised depth to the central part of the dwelling.
The case officer confirmed that the overall height remains consistent with previous approvals.
The Committee also discussed the impact on overlooking, with no significant concerns raised regarding distances between properties and windows.
The case officer advised that the inspector noted no issues with overlooking from the patio area, emphasizing compliance with approved guidelines.
Members raised questions around the planting screen to which the case officer responded by explaining that as there were concerns raised by the residents at 4 Goosefields as well as by Batchworth Community Council, officers considered the plant screen was appropriate, and a suitable addition to mitigate against any overlooking.
The case officer further explained that the vegetation alongside the boundary cannot be controlled and my die out, and to have that additional buffer of a planting screen that can be controlled, will ensure that no overlooking would occur.
Councillor Sara Bedford moved, seconded by Councillor Elinor Gazzard, that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED.
RESOLVED: ... view the full minutes text for item 21