Issue - meetings

24/0426/FUL - Alterations to existing parking including the provision of additional hard surfacing to facilitate the creation of additional parking spaces and installation of timber bollards and kerbs at Street Record, School Mead, Abbots Langley, He

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 26)

26 24/0426/FUL - Alterations to existing parking including the provision of additional hard surfacing to facilitate the creation of additional parking spaces and installation of timber bollards and kerbs at Street Record, School Mead, Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Recommendation: That Planning Permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


Claire Westwood, Development Management Team Leaders provided the following update.


Some additional neighbour comments have been received since the report was published.  The number in the report is 4, however, 5 further comments have now been received (9 in total). The additional comments reflect those set out in the report. In summary the concerns relate largely to concerns regarding future use/restriction to use of the bays, rather than the principle of the development. As set out in the committee report, in the event that planning consent were to be granted the Local Planning Authority would not be restricting usage of the bays as part of the planning process. This process is a separate process to planning and the responsibility of the Parking Team. Any future Traffic Regulation Order has to follow the TRO statutory process which would require its own public consultation.


The applicant provided a response to the points raised by the Highways Officer which the Highways Officer has reviewed.


The Highways Officer in respect of point 1 advised that the applicant’s suggestion to 'improve accessibility and permeability for pedestrians by considering the relocation of the paved/asphalt island to align with the pathway that comes over the green' seems a sensible approach.


In respect of point 2 the Highways Officer advised that the applicant’s suggestion to 'propose additional cycle parking (Sheffield stands) on the large, paved area adjacent to the south side of the shops' would be supported by HCC as Highway Authority subject to an appropriate location.


In respect of point 4 the Highways Officer notes the comments made by the applicant and has advised they have no further objection in relation to the provision of EV charging and note that TRDC are working with HCC on the provision of EV within the District.


Officers would reiterate as set out in the committee report that the relocation of the existing paved/asphalt island and provision of cycle stands do not form part of this application. These areas fall outside of the site boundary and therefore the assessment of this application relates solely to the alterations to existing parking and provision of additional hard surfacing to facilitate the creation of additional parking spaces and installation of timber bollards and kerbs.


The officer advised the Committee that the requirement to move the disabled access to a separate path will not be part of the current application as this change does not require planning permission and will be addressed independently.


Councillor Sara Bedford moved, seconded by Councillor Chris Whately-Smith that Planning Permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair, the voting being by general assent.




That Planning Permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.