Issue - meetings
23/1916/FUL – Widening of entrance to Leavesden Country Park including alterations to existing wall and new brick piers and railings, installation of vehicular barrier; installation of disabled parking bays, pedestrian island, replacement flagpole; a
Meeting: 18/04/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 66)
Widening of entrance to Leavesden Country Park including alterations to existing wall and new brick piers and railings, installation of vehicular barrier; installation of disabled parking bays, pedestrian island, replacement flagpole; and associated landscaping works.
Recommendation: That Planning Permission be granted.
Additional documents:
Tom Norris, Planning Officer confirmed that he had no update to give to the Committee on this application. However, he informed the committee that there were concerns from the Ward Councillors with regards to security and the proposed kerb style and height adjacent to the proposed car parks. The Officer advised that kerb height is not something that is generally specified under planning applications, but officers noted the concerns from Councillors and suggested that an informative be applied to any permission regarding details of kerbs to be circulated prior to their installation.
Members of the committee raised questions on the barrier heigh restriction over the lanes, and asked officers for clarification on whether the entrance and exit are going to be single or double lanes.
Officers explained that the track is not formally a double track, but it is wide enough for two cars to drive along, and the barrier extends for the whole width of the track.
Councillor Ruth Clark moved, seconded by Councillor Chris Lloyd that planning permission be granted.
On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being by general assent.
That Planning Permission be granted.