Issue - meetings

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

Meeting: 15/07/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 8)

8 Housing Delivery Test Action Plan pdf icon PDF 414 KB

The Housing Delivery Test and associated Action Plan for the 2021 measurement figure was agreed by the Policy and Resources Committee on 12 September 2022. The Action Plan analyses the reasons for under-delivery of new homes and sets out actions to improve housing delivery within the district.




That the Policy and Resources Committee;

i.       Notes the Housing Delivery Test Result for 2022;

ii.      Agrees the Action Plan and the series of actions that the Council will seek to implement;

iii.     Agrees to the publication of the Action Plan on the Council’s website.




Additional documents:


Aaron Roberts, Senior Planning Officer presented the report.


Members referred to paragraph 4.26 in the officer’s report regarding a review of Council owned land and asked if it was a valid plan. The Director of Finance explained that this was to achieve delivery. There was a programme in place to build on the garage sites and talks were taking place with Hertfordshire County Council.


Members asked officer’s about the impact of Biodiversity Net Gain. The Head of Planning Policy and Conservation explained that it was a challenge across both policy and planning development management and officers were having to learn new areas of expertise, very quickly. It would also affect the number of dwellings that could be put on a specific site.


The Chair proposed to move the officer’s recommendations and this was seconded by Counsellor Whateley-Smith.


RESOLVED: that the Policy and Resources Committee AGREED to


       i.          note the Housing Delivery Test Result for 2022;

     ii.          agree the Action Plan and the series of actions that the Council will seek to implement;

    iii.          agree to the publication of the Action Plan on the Council’s website.