Issue - meetings

23/1128/FUL - Demolition of existing garages and construction of 7no. new dwellings (use class C3) in the form of bungalows with roof accommodation; new building to provide a laundry and maintenance store; and conversion of an existing garage to serv

Meeting: 18/01/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 45)


Demolition of existing garages and construction of 7no. new dwellings (use class C3) in the form of bungalows with roof accommodation; new building to provide a laundry and maintenance store; and conversion of an existing garage to serve as a maintenance store and associated parking.


Recommendation: That subject to the recommendation of approval and/or no objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement (securing an affordable housing monetary contribution), that the decision be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the conditions set out below, and any conditions requested by the LLFA:

Additional documents:


The application was for the construction of 7no. new dwellings (ClassC3) in the form of bungalows with roof accommodation, new building to provide a laundry and maintenance store and conversion of an existing garage to serve as a maintenance store and associated parking following the demolition of existing garages.


The application had been called in by Chorleywood Parish Council citing a range of concerns including the impact on the Chorleywood Conservation Area, the impact on the setting of the lodge and main building and inadequate parking provision.  It was noted that consideration of the application had been delayed to enable a site visit to be carried out.


A representative of Chorleywood Parish Council spoken reiterating their concerns about parking and the impact that the development might have on flooding and surface water run-off.  Councillor Ciaran Reed spoke in his capacity as a ward councillor citing concern about the impact that the development would have on traffic levels and the Conservation Area.


The Committee was informed that since the agenda had been published the Lead Local Flood Authority had submitted further representation citing technical objections and a petition objecting to the development signed by 25 residents had been received.


Committee concerns that the Car Parking Management Plan implied that mitigating measures would only be implemented in the event of 100% occupancy of the development and that the parking spaces nearest to the development should be restricted to residents use only were acknowledged.  It was agreed that Condition 14 would be amended to:

i)              condition that the Car Parking Management Plan and associated mitigation measures must be implemented prior to first occupancy occurring and thereafter maintained.

ii)             Include a requirement for the provision of parking enforcement by the management company

iii)           Identify the location of car parking for staff and visitors.

iv)           Specify the parking provision for Blue Badge holders.

v)            Strengthen the reasoning


It was agreed that the final wording of Condition 14 would be agreed in consultation with the Committee.


It was clarified that application being considered was only concerned with formal parking bays.  The possible provision of three additional parking bays on an existing gravel area referenced in the Car Parking management Plan would be informal parking spaces which would, should they be implemented may require permission in their own right.


It was agreed that Condition 5 would be amended to specifically reference the use of soft landscaping around the lodge site and new buildings. 


It was noted that the Lead Local Flooding Authority had maintained their objection on technical matters and the applicant was working with the Authority to provide additional information.


The Committee acknowledged that consideration of the application should focus on the impacts of the seven new dwellings on the surrounding area and not any existing issues on the wider site.


The Officer recommendation that that subject to the recommendation of approval, and/or no objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement (securing an affordable housing monetary contribution), that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45