Issue - meetings

23/1665/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two storey detached dwelling with accommodation in the roof space, served by front/rear rooflights; provision of rear terrace balcony and associated works at WILLOWS, 62 CLEMENTS ROAD,

Meeting: 14/12/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 33)


Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two storey detached dwelling with accommodation in the roof space, served by front/rear rooflights; provision of rear terrace balcony and associated works.


Recommendation: That Planning Permission be granted.

Additional documents:


Application 23/1665/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two storey detached dwelling with accommodation in the roof space, served by front/rear rooflights; provision of rear terrace balcony and associated works.


Tom Norris, Planning Officer reported that there is one update to the application; a minor amendment to the wording of Condition 4 (C4) which would require the ecological enhancement measures to be in accordance with the preliminary Bat Roost Assessment as well as the details set out in Dusk Emergence Bat Survey.


A representative from the Parish Council spoke against the application outlining the climate impact that will result from demolishing the existing dwelling, the loss of the bungalow being replaced by a multi-floor property not suitable for downsizing of older residents of the area or for disabled residents. The representative also pointed out that this proposal to demolish a serviceable existing property, which already has permission for an additional single storey under Permitted Development Rights, is directly opposed to the requirement of the NPPF in Paragraph 152.


The Planning Officer acknowledged the concerns around the sustainability aspect of demolishing the house and advised that the Council has no policy bases to refuse the application on grounds of climate impact that would result from the demolition of the house.


The Officer confirmed that the proposed dwelling would remain accessible with ground floor living accommodation that would be suitable for the elderly and less able people, and clarified that Officers consider the Permitted Development scheme a viable fallback that the applicant would implement, should planning permission be refused for the current application.


Concerns around the proposed dwelling being out of keeping with the character of the area were noted.


It was also noted that the permitted development was already very close to that of the proposed development; therefore, refusal of the application would be difficult to defend.


The Officer recommendation to grant planning permission, with a minor amendment to the wording of Condition 4 (C4), and subject to the conditions set out in the report, was moved by Councillor Matthew Bedford, seconded by Councillor Khalid Hussain. 


Councillor Debbie Morris moved a counter proposal for refusal on the grounds of the adverse impact on the character of the area and the street scene. Councillor Philip Hearn seconded the motion and pointed out that the proposal is in breach of Policy 4.1 of the Chorleywood Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) relating to the replacement of the bungalow with a two-storey dwelling not suitable for downsizing of older residents of the area or for disabled residents.


The Chair pointed out that it’s unlikely that this reason will be sufficient for refusal.


Claire Westwood, Development Management Team Leader advised that if the reason is the impact on the character of the area and street scene it needs to be identified what it is that is causing the harm.


It was clarified by the Planning Officer that there is upstairs accommodation in the permitted development property but not in the existing property, and downstairs accommodation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33