Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring (Period 4)

Meeting: 11/10/2023 - Climate Change, Leisure and Community Committee (Item 16)


This report covers this committee’s financial position over the medium term(2023-2026) as at Period 4 (end of July).




That Members note and comment on the contents of the report.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Finance covering the Committee’s financial position over the medium term (2023-2026) as at Period 4 (end of July).


The report noted that the Period 4 Comprehensive Budget Management report, which sought approval to a change in the Council’s 2023–2026 medium-term financial plan, had been presented to the Policy & Resources Committee at its meeting on 11 September 2023.


It was recommended that Members of the Committee note and comment on the contents of the report.


Ms Sally Riley, Finance Business Partner, presented the report.


In response to questions by Members of the Committee, Ms Riley provided the following information.


a)    Regarding Community CCTV,[1] for which the original 2023/24 budget was £6000, and the latest 2023/24 budget was £11,720, this was a capital rephasing, that is, at the end of last year, officers would have reported in the outturn report that the service had requested that the monies they had not spent in 2022 be transferred into 2023. This was approved at Full Council in July.

b)    The funding for Oxhey Hall (£3000)[2] was rent that had been received for the use of Oxhey Hall.

[Information on who had rented Oxhey Hall would be provided to the Committee Member who had raised the question].


At this stage in the proceedings, the Chair invited Councillor Mitchell, who was not a Member of the Committee, to ask officers about the £20,000 funding in relation to HS2 that had been considered at the previous evening’s General Public Services and Economic Development Committee meeting. Officers confirmed that the funding referred to in the report before the Committee this evening was not the same funding referred to in the report considered at the previous evening’s General Public Services and Economic Development Committee meeting.




[1] Page 28: Appendix 2, Annex C

[2] Page 23: Appendix 2, Annex A