Issue - meetings

Audit Committee Work Programme

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 27)


This report sets out the Audit Committee’s latest Work Programme to enable the Committee to make updates as required.


The Committee considered a report by Hannah Doney, Head of Finance, setting out the Audit Committee’s latest Work Programme. The purpose of the report was to allow the Committee to review and update the Work Programme.


The Chair invited Members of the Committee to make any comments they might have on the Work Programme.


In response to a Member’s question regarding the 2019/20 Statement of Accounts, Mrs Doney stated the Committee had agreed to delegate authority to officers to approve the Statement of Accounts. Accordingly, it was anticipated that officers would be able to report to the December meeting of the Committee that the accounts had been approved and signed by the Auditors, Chair of the Audit Committee, and Director of Finance.


Mrs Doney stated that, if the accounts had not been signed off by the time of the December meeting of the Committee, Members would be notified of this fact.


Risk Management Training

Mrs Doney noted that, regarding the schedule of training for Committee Members, the Committee was behind on the schedule by one training session. As the agenda for the December meeting of the Committee would include the Risk Management Framework report, and as it was important that the Committee consider the Treasury Management reports scheduled for that meeting, it was proposed that Mr Phil King, the Council’s Risk Manager, when presenting the report, provide a detailed introduction contextualising the content of the report.


Mrs Doney went on to say that if Members of the Committee wished to have training, they inform officers so that this could be included in the Committee’s Work Programme along with any other matters that the Committee might wish to have added to the Work Programme.