Issue - meetings

Service Planning 2024-27

Meeting: 13/11/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 11)

11 Service Planning 2024-27 pdf icon PDF 484 KB

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Rebecca Young, Head of Strategy and Partnerships, on behalf of the various Associate Directors and Heads of Service, introduced the Service Delivery Plans (“the Plans”) 2023-27 that were before the Committee, noting that these particular Plans were specifically for the Committee’s consideration.


Ms Young noted that the Plans included Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Service Volumes, and Key Risks to Service Plan Delivery.


The Chair observed that the Service Plans were part of the integrated budget setting process.


In the subsequent discussion, the following points were raised.


a)    It was proposed that, with reference to the Service Delivery Plan 2024-27: Property Services & Major Projects, that the last item under the subheading “Major Projects” viz. “Adoption of Shepherds Lane within Local Plan” be removed.

The Chair proposed that, as this was the first draft of the Service Delivery Plans, it would be premature to remove this item and that it could be reviewed prior to the Service Plan being finalised.

In response to a proposal that officers clarify what was meant by the word “adoption” in the reference to Shepherds Lane, the Chair proposed that officers review and clarify the proposal in light of the Committee’s comments.

b)    Regarding the Legal, Election and Committee Services Service Delivery Plan 2023-26, under the heading “Service Purpose and Core Functions: electoral services” where it stated –

“Compile and maintain a register of electors including undertaking of an annual canvas (Statutory Function)”

the Chair proposed that officers provide relevant percentage “stretch” target information in relation to the annual canvass and what is achieved.