Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/10/2023 - Regulatory Services Committee (Item 11)


This report provides details and recommendations following receipt of a request from Mealings Taxis to increase the current Hackney Carriage Table of Fares (dated July 2022). The initial request from Mealings Taxis is dated 21 April 2023 and explains that it has stemmed from the cost of living crisis, inflationary pressures and the general increased costs of running a vehicle (including an electric vehicle). Further supporting evidence was submitted on 12 May which was accepted. Both the initial request and supporting evidence are shown at Appendix 1.



1.1                That the Members of the Committee:

a)     Agree the increase of HC fares as follows:

-        A £1 increase to the ‘first 1015 metres or part thereof to £4

-        A £1 increase to the ‘night time charge’ to £4.50

b)     Agree for Officers to publish the agreed varied version of the Hackney Fare Table in the Watford Observer for 21 days (the legislation requests not less than 14 days) and for the Head of Regulatory Services to consider any objections in consultation with the Lead Member.

c)     If no objections are received for the varied tariff to take effect following the expiration of the press notice.

d)     If objections are received and not withdrawn, for Officers to arrange an Extraordinary Regulatory Services Committee by 12 December 2023 to consider the representations received.



Additional documents:


A joint request was submitted by Mealing Taxis and South Oxhey Radio Taxis in May 2023 seeking permission from the council for price increases for the Hackney Carriage fare tariff. Those requests are an increase of £4 for the first 1015 metres or part thereof, and an increase of £1 to the night time charge, making it £4.50. This request follows last year’s increases, last year’s review agreed to changes to the tariff that previously remained unchanged, since 2013, although last year’s review agreed only to the nighttime hour to 9.30pm, instead of the original proposal of 11.00pm.


Officers followed the same methodology used in 2013 and 2022, and agreed to the changes proposed, which are reflected within the recommendation; the varied version of the fare tables are advertised for 21 days, however, having regard to the legislative requirements and last year’s discussion on this point, 14 days is considered acceptable as it meets the legislative requirements, enables the table to be amended and come into force quicker and reduces the press notice cost to the council.


No comments have been received to date from the drivers who had been contacted.


Members have raised the following points:


A 25% percent increase in the tariff is significantly high, and the council should consider whether it is appropriate.


However, as the fares had not been increased previously up until 2022, this increase does not seem unreasonable.


In response to a question a Member asked, the officer advised that there was no feedback regarding the price increase from 2022. Hackney Carriage trade is very limited, and ultimately, we don’t want to keep inflating the prices to make it unreasonable for the public to use them.


On being put to the Committee the recommendations, as detailed in the report, were declared CARRIED by the Chair, the voting being by general assent.




That the Members of the Committee:

a)     Agree the increase of HC fares as follows:

-        A £1 increase to the ‘first 1015 metres or part thereof to £4

-       A £1 increase to the ‘night time charge’ to £4.50

b)    Agree for Officers to publish the agreed varied version of the Hackney Fare Table in the Watford Observer for 21 days (the legislation requests not less than 14 days) and for the Head of Regulatory Services to consider any objections in consultation with the Lead Member.

c)    If no objections are received for the varied tariff to take effect following the expiration of the press notice.

d)    If objections are received and not withdrawn, for Officers to arrange an Extraordinary Regulatory Services Committee by 12 December 2023 to consider the representations received.