Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/07/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 22)

22 MEMBER TRAINING pdf icon PDF 119 KB

The purpose of the report is to provide an annual update on Member Training.


To continue with the 4 mandatory online training modules (Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Adults and Prevent) and they be completed on a three yearly basis.


To add two additional online training modules Climate Change and General Data Protection Regulation.


Officers strongly encourage Members to continue with the online mandatory training modules as a way for Members to keep up to date with best practise on these key areas in their role as a Councillor.


The purpose of the report is to provide an annual update on Member Training.


The recommendations for the Committee to consider were as follows:


To continue with the 4 mandatory online training modules (Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Adults and Prevent) and they be completed on a three yearly basis.


To add two additional online training modules Climate Change and General Data Protection Regulation.


Officers strongly encourage Members to continue with the online mandatory training modules as a way for Members to keep up to date with best practice on these key areas in their role as a Councillor.


Members raised the following questions:


Q. Are the two additional online training modules Climate Change and General Data Protection Regulation mandatory to complete, and can a clarification be provided regarding what mandatory training means?

A. The two additional online training modules are not mandatory, but it is recommended that Members complete them, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) module and the Safeguarding modules to protect Members as well as protecting the Council. The mandatory training refers to the training where officers rely on the Group Leaders to encourage and enforce the training within their groups.


Q. What is the process to monitor the training budget to ensure there is no overspend?

A. The budget is regularly monitored and if there are more training requests received than the budget allows, officers work with the Group Leaders to prioritise training proposals accordingly. Further budget points should be discussed with the Group Leaders. There is no cost to the additional online training as they are already accessible to officers at the Council.


Concerns had been raised regarding the mandatory Planning training; the status and level of the Planning training needed to be reviewed.


Concerns had been raised about accessing the online training modules. Further support can be provided by the Committee team.


On being put to the Committee the Chair declared the recommendations CARRIED the voting being by general assent.




·         the Chief Executive have delegated authority to authorise attendance at LGA Leadership and other LGA courses in consultation with the relevant Group Leader,

·         authorise attendance at other external training courses which are not free in consultation with the relevant Group Leader where there are exceptional circumstances,

·         to continue with the 4 mandatory online training modules (Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Adults and Prevent) and they be completed on a three yearly basis,

·         to add two additional online training modules Climate Change and General Data Protection Regulation,

·         to consider the points raised in Point 2.3 with regard to the delivery of the mandatory training.