Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 28)


Members requested that the Wreath Laying Protocol be reviewed following some questions asked at Council about the protocol following its circulation ahead of Remembrance Sunday in November 2022.

Members asked that the protocol come forward to the Committee so all Members are able to review the protocol and put forward suggestions for amendments for the Committee to consider ahead of the services in November 2023.

As part of the review the protocol was circulated to all Members twice ahead of the report publication so that the comments received could be provided for the Committee to consider.

The new protocol is attached at Appendix 1. 




The Committee are asked to agree the new protocol at Appendix 1.

Additional documents:


Members requested that the Wreath Laying Protocol be reviewed following some questions asked at Council about the protocol following its circulation ahead of Remembrance Sunday in November 2022.


Members asked that the protocol come forward to the Committee, so all Members are able to review the protocol and put forward suggestions for amendments for the Committee to consider ahead of the services in November 2023.


As part of the review the protocol was circulated to all Members twice ahead of the report publication so that the comments received could be provided for the Committee to consider.  The new protocol was attached at Appendix 1.


Members put forward the following suggestions on the protocol:


·         In some Wards there was not a memorial or place where a wreath was laid and asked if the words “or nearest memorial” could be added.

·         Some Members were invited to services which did not fall on either Remembrance Sunday or Remembrance Day and asked that there be some flexibility on this.


The Chair proposed, duly seconded, that subject to the suggestions proposed the protocol be agreed and that the protocol be circulated to the Group Leaders to agree the wording of the amendments before circulation to Councillors.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being by general assent.




That subject to the suggestions proposed the protocol be agreed and that the protocol be circulated to the Group Leaders to agree the wording of the amendments before circulation to Councillors.