Decision details
Wreath Laying Protocol
Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
An update to the wreath laying
The Chair introduced the item, explaining that the changes reflected the request of Oxhey Jets FC to ensure the annual Remembrance Match was recorded.
Councillor Stephen Cox moved an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Stephen King, such that paragraph 2.3 of the protocol be amended such that it finished:
In the event that no ward member is available to lay a wreath, the relevant group leader may ask another member to lay a ward wreath on their behalf.
The amendment was put to the vote and agreed.
The committee noted that ward councillors did lay wreaths at the Oxhey Jets FC Remembrance Match alongside specific council officeholders.
The committee discussed the need for councillors to mark Remembrance Day events as representatives of the council and the residents of their wards, and not in a political capacity or for personal or party publicity.
RESOLVED: To agree the revised Wreath Laying Protocol at Appendix 1, as amended.
Report author: Josh Sills
Publication date: 16/01/2025
Date of decision: 02/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 02/12/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: