Decision details

CIL Spending Requests July 2024

Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


List of CIL spending applications to be considered


The Chair outlined the applications to the Committee. The committee noted that the Oxhey Jets FC application would be accompanied by an application for funding from The Football Foundation charity.


Councillor Stephen Cox moved an amendment to the recommendations such that an additional camera was to be provided for South Oxhey, thereby bringing the total cost of this allocation to £76,716. This was seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and agreed by assent.


The committee discussed whether it was clear what the process was for bidding for small amounts of Community Infrastructure Levy funding, the amount of Community Infrastructure Levy that had been allocated to Oxhey Jets FC and what other grants the club had sought, matched funding of schemes including for a zebra crossing and the locations in which CCTV cameras would be deployed. The chair confirmed that if members were concerned about any rejected applications or the policy, this should be discussed with officers in the first instance.



RESOLVED: That Members agree the recommendations within the report, with the addition of a CCTV camera for South Oxhey in respect of the Three Rivers Community Safety Partnership application:

  1. Sarratt Parish Council KGV pavilion – £200,000
  2. Three Rivers Community Safety Partnership – £76,716
  3. HCC Croxley Green Library – £10,500
  4. Oxhey Jets Football Club – £966,000


Report author: Debbie Wilson

Publication date: 16/01/2025

Date of decision: 11/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: