Decision details
Local Development Scheme
Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This Report sets out the updated Local Plan
timetable to be published on the Council's website.
Marko Kalik, Head of Planning Policy and Conservation, presented the report.
The committee discussed the delay to agreement of a new Local Plan, as recommended by the Local Plan Sub-Committee, and noted that a draft list of development sites was to be agreed by the Local Plan Sub-Committee. In his introduction, the Chair confirmed he had requested the Head of Planning Policy and Conservation whether opportunities could be taken to recover the delay. The committee discussed what opportunities there had been to take advantage of changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, the need to balance submitting a plan promptly but which was sound, the level of resource required within the planning policy team, the impact on the green belt, and the requirement to consider traveller sites within a Local Plan.
In response to questions, officers confirmed that the risk matrix for the Local Plan would be reviewed.
Councillor Oliver Cooper moved an amendment to the recommendations such that the Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation would open on 19 January 2025 and close on 25 February 2025, that the Council meeting of 25 February 2025 would be asked to approve the Local Plan for submission as soon as practicable following that meeting, for the evidence base to be updated during this time.
The Chair reminded the Committee of the advice given to the Local Plan Sub-Committee that moving forward to a similar timetable could risk the soundness of the local plan. Officers confirmed that the position of different Councils had to be considered on their own merits and why this course of action was necessary.
In order to progress to a decision, the amendment was seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes. The Chair confirmed with officers whether the matter could be put to the vote, given the potential risks relating to the soundness of the local plan if the amendment was agreed.
The Director of Finance confirmed that a further budgetary provision would need to be agreed by Council if the amendment was agreed; the Chair, having taken advice, confirmed that a vote could not be taken on a budget allocation at the meeting.
The amendment, as originally proposed, was then put to the vote and fell.
Prior to taking the vote on the substantive motion, the Chair confirmed the intention to work with officers to try to reduce the timescale for commencing the consultation and submitting the local plan and would be committing resources within the budget to secure its completion.
RESOLVED: That the Policy & Resources Committee recommend to Full Council the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 3.
Report author: Marko Kalik
Publication date: 16/01/2025
Date of decision: 11/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 11/11/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: